NCEA Level 1 English

Teachers are currently making changes to courses for 2025. Students will be able to select their courses soon.

Course Description

Teacher in Charge: Mrs A. Smit.

Students need to be aware that success in English in NCEA at all levels requires application throughout the year, in particular, a commitment to completing homework and maximising assessment opportunities.

The course requires a significant homework commitment. Due to the nature of internal and external assessments supporting each other, under NCEA it is not possible to 'cram study' in the few short weeks of the fourth term and still expect to pass well.

Students who apply themselves steadily throughout the year are able to approach the exams confidently.

This course covers a general range of English skills and learning which will give a sound base from which to pursue further English study. During the year, students will study different literature types and a film. 

The course includes:

  • creative and formal writing
  • speech making
  • wide reading
  • research literary analysis

Students can also opt into one or more external exams based on texts and literary understandings.

The course is assessed with students opting into at least 9 internal credits and at least one, but usually two, external exam papers.


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