NCEA Level 1 Music

Course Selection for 2025 is now closed.

Course Description

Teacher in Charge: Ms C. Saunders.

In Year 11 Music you will learn and achieve via activities, tasks and performances that involve a mix of practical performance and composition.  Students will develop a deeper knowledge of musical theory.  You will make progress towards becoming a more accomplished musician. Your skills in time management, relating to others, working individually and with others will be enhanced as you create, perform and analyse music.

Students' practical knowledge of how to deliver a successful, high-quality performance, working as a soloist or as a group member will be developed. This will be underpinned by a knowledge of musical theory that will enhance your practical experience whilst composing and performing.

Students will grow their skills and understanding as performers of music, as soloists and in a group.  They will develop skills to be able to compose original music using a range of technologies.  Students will develop musical aural and theory skills throughout the year.  

Music studies at school are not just for students who wish to follow a career path in Music. Skills and key competencies learnt in this subject are transferable to a wide range of careers.  Research has shown that students who take Music develop more self-confidence, are conditioned to work hard for results, are more creative, are better at problem-solving and analysing patterns (Mathematics), can work better in a group, and connect with others better.

Recommended Prior Learning

Some knowledge and experience, including technical, musical, and presentation skills are desirable. The ability to play a musical instrument and /or sing is needed.

Contributions and Equipment/Stationery

These may include performances by professional groups or travel to National Festivals/Performances.
