Drama (S1)

Teachers are currently making changes to courses for 2025. Students will be able to select their courses soon.

Course Description

Teacher in Charge: Ms C. Saunders.

Drama helps us make sense of the world and our place within it. It celebrates and explores our culture and encourages us to challenge the attitudes and beliefs within it. Through Drama, students develop a deeper understanding of themselves and others.

In studying Drama, students learn to structure a variety of elements and to use dramatic conventions, techniques and technologies to create imagined worlds. Through experimentation, both individual and collaborative, they discover how to link imagination, thoughts and feelings. As students work with drama techniques, they learn to use spoken and written language with increasing control and confidence, and to communicate effectively using body language, movement and space. As they perform, analyse and respond to different forms of drama and theatre, they gain a deeper appreciation of the human experience.

In this option, we will look at a range of scripts and different types of theatre forms. We will work in small groups to put together small performances for our class and learn to increase our confidence in speaking in front of others through various games and activities.