Beginners German (S2)

Course Description

Teacher in Charge: Ms F. Haanen.

Willst du Deutsch lernen? (Do you want to learn German?)

Join Miss Haanen for ein großes Abenteuer (a great adventure) where we will:

  • Build German vocabulary: Students will learn essential words and phrases to help them communicate in everyday situations. This includes basic greetings, numbers, colours, common nouns, and verbs.
  • Develop conversational skills: The focus will be on practical language use, helping students to engage in simple conversations. This includes asking and answering questions, making requests, and expressing basic needs and preferences.

The course highlights include interactive lessons where Miss Haanen will use a variety of teaching methods, including role-playing, games, and multimedia resources, to make learning fun and effective. In addition to language skills, students will gain cultural insights, getting a glimpse into German culture, traditions, and everyday life, which enriches the learning experience. The course also aims to build students' confidence in using a new language, encouraging them to practice speaking and listening as much as possible.

By the end of the option course, we may not understand all of what goes on at "Barbara's Rhubarb Bar", but we will at least be able to order a piece of rhubarb cake and ask where the toilet is!"